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General Settings

Theme Ignite - Documentation


General Settings

Header - Navigation

Display home link

Toggling this setting on will add a “Home” link to your Menu bar. Your logo will always continue to link to your eCom home page.

Header - Logo


This is your shop's logo, displayed at the top-left corner of every page on your website. Recommended dimensions for the logo are 100px width x 50px height.

White Logo

Upload a white version of your logo only if you are using the transparent header option. This logo will be displayed on the home page only, on top of your Headline image. Recommended dimensions for the logo are 100px width x 50px height.

Logo height

If you add a taller logo than the recommended dimensions, you can make your menu bar taller to accommodate and display your logo in a larger manner. You can define the exact height of your logo here in pixels. 


This is the small icon displayed in the tabs of your users' browsers. Upload a square image here (same width and height).

Header - Message Bar

Message bar is the small piece of text that is found on the top left corner of your eCom store. 

Message bar text

You can define the exact text of the message bar here.

Message bar background color

This option will allow you to define the background color of your message bar.

Message bar text color

This option will allow you to define the color of the text in your message bar, including the currency/language selectors and the account links.

Header - Display Settings

Transparent header

Turning this setting on will make your Menu bar transparent, only on the homepage. This means that you will need a different logo that will be displayed only on the homepage. You can define this logo using the White Logo setting.

Add Brand page

Enabling this setting will add a navigation link to a page where all your shops’ brands are displayed.

Footer - Social

You can add your social media links for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Youtube here.

Visual - Colors

Button background color

You can use this setting to define the background color of action buttons such as the buttons on Headlines, "Proceed to checkout" or the "Add to Cart" in your product page.

Button text color

You can use this setting to define the text color of action buttons such as the buttons on Headlines, "Proceed to checkout" or the "Add to Cart" in your product page.

Header and footer text color

This setting will allow you to change the text color of your Menu bar and Footer. If you are using a Transparent Menu bar in the homepage, this setting will not take effect on the Menu bar in the homepage. 

Header and footer background color

This setting will allow you to define the background color of the Menu bar and the Footer. If you are using a Transparent Menu bar in the homepage, the homepage will not reflect your new Menu bar color.

Visual - Typography

Heading and Body (Google Web Fonts)

These settings will allow you to change the fonts of your titles and body text. You can navigate to https://fonts.google.com/ in order to view the fonts before deciding on one.

Body text color

This setting will allow you to define the color of the general body text in your eCom store.

Visual - Background

Main background color

This setting will allow you to define the main background color of your store.

Advanced - Coming Soon Page

Enable coming soon page

If you enable this setting, your eCom store will be inaccessible to outside visitors. You will only be able to see your eCom store from the Theme settings section of the eCom backoffice.

However, there is a Log In button in this page that will allow customers to log in to view the contents of the eCom store. You can create an account on your eCom store as a customer, and afterwards disable registration by going to Settings > Advanced > Registration. This will allow you to use the Log In function to view your full website; while the rest of the website is fully inaccessible to anyone else.

You can enable or disable the newsletter section in the coming soon page by enabling Settings > Advanced > Newsletter, and you can add your social media links to this page by filling them under the Footer - Social settings inside theme settings.





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